Tuesday, May 21, 2013

To the Man of My Dreams!

Dear Future Husband,

I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. I think it’s easy for my mind to wander to thoughts of you as I see so many of my good friends getting married, celebrating anniversaries, and having babies. I look forward to the day when I get to share those moments with you. There are a few things that I want you to know, and a few promises that I want to make to you now. So, read on.

First of all, I may have you pretty convinced that I am perfect. ;) I assure you that I am not. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and although I haven’t been perfect, I can tell you that I have learned a lot of lessons that have made me a stronger woman. With that being said, I want you to know that I don’t expect you to be perfect; however, with every mistake and wrong turn I hope that you took what you needed from the experiences and became a better man. I want us to be perfectly imperfect together. I hope that you have lived, I mean really lived, because even though we will have a lot of life to enjoy together…I want you to have many memories that you get to look back on. I want to hear all of your stories and become familiar with your adventures. 

Second, I happen to be a happy person overall…but I will have bad days. Let me have them. I will get back to myself without too much delay, but for the moment I may just need to be angry, sad, or a bit crazy. I promise to let you have your space to deal with your stuff as well. I have worked hard at giving myself permission to just feel whatever I’m feeling in that moment and I hope that you will honor that for me, as I will for you.  

Third, I have a lot of crazy ideas and ambitions. As in…I am seriously dedicated to owning an island someday with my cousin. Support me. Celebrate all of my successes with me, and more importantly, celebrate all of my failures as well. Don’t let me give up on me. Inspire me and let me inspire you. Be my biggest cheerleader. Let me fall on my face, but always be there to pick me up. I promise to do the same for you. I want you to dream big, and know that every step of the way I will be there as your biggest fan. I want to create a partnership with you! Do crazy things, be spontaneous, don’t be too serious, be fearless, and dedicated to the life you’ve always dreamed of – and I will do the same.

Fourth, play with our kids. I’m completely okay if you choose to be a bigger kid than them and show them how it’s done. Laugh. Cry. Risk. Show them the balance between having a good time and still creating greatness. Help me instill a respect for those around them, a soft spot for those that need something we may be able to offer, trust in the greater good of humanity, and acceptance of those that seem completely different from them. Tell them every day that they are amazing, talented, and loved. I want them to know that they can conquer the world.   

Fifth, I ask that you dedicate yourself to learning and growing. I don’t care what you are learning about…well as long as it is moral, ethical, and legal…as long as you are learning. I want you to be passionate about becoming the best man that you can be…for you. I am very aware of the fact that I will receive the benefits of this, and that’s why I’m clear that it has to be for you. I will do the same. I will constantly work on being the woman that you deserve, and educating myself in ways that allows me to be the best version of myself for us and for our family.

Sixth, don’t be afraid to tell me anything. I may not always react in the most graceful way, but give me time. I am always on your side and will come around eventually. Tell me your secrets and I will tell you mine. Be open with me, give me feedback that you think I need (especially when I seem to be moving in a direction opposite of where I say I want to go), and allow me to reciprocate. I want you to know the darkest parts of me, so that there is no doubt that you know the real me. In addition, I want to know you. All of you.

Finally, some promises I know I need to make to you now and I ask that you hold me to these. I promise not to punish you for the things in my life that you aren’t responsible for. I promise not to blame you for the hurt that others have caused, and I will do my best every day to just leave it where it belongs…in the past. I promise to love you, even on the days when liking you may seem difficult. I promise to forgive. I promise to let you be the man in our house, and protect and provide for our family. I promise to be loyal, honest, vulnerable, trusting, and faithful in all aspects of our relationship. I promise to give you the space you may need to figure stuff out. I promise to fight every single day for our relationship, as I would much rather fight for you than against you. I promise to respect and honor you. I promise to pray with you and for you. I promise to let you be my Knight in Shining Armor, because I am sure that you won’t let me down.

We have so much to look forward to. I know that our lives are going to be full of adventures, and the journey is going to be one that our grandchildren will appreciate. In the meantime, be good to yourself.

I will see you soon…


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