Monday, July 15, 2013

Heart + Head = Miscommunication

Sometimes the communication between our head and our hearts gets lost in translation. I have come to believe that they have to be in complete alignment for things to really work out. Yes, many of you probably already knew this, and maybe I am just a little slow on picking up certain things. Anyway, I’ve learned this the hard way. Being in a situation where my heart was completely invested, I wanted to do everything I could to pursue it. However, what if you’re in a situation where every issue that comes up can’t be sorted through. What if, logically, the best thing I could have done for my heart was to run as fast as I could in the opposite direction? 

I think there is a reason why our heart and our head aren’t always in alignment, and it’s always in our best interest to pay attention to that. The stars don’t align every single day. Sometimes prayers aren’t answered for a reason, and when this happens if we let go and move forward…maybe, just maybe, what’s ultimately better for us is waiting just around the corner. And you know, maybe not. However, we will never know if we keep holding on to the things that don’t make sense. I don’t think it takes a lot for the stars to align, but they definitely won’t align if we hold on to stuff that is inherently wrong for us. 

If you have a vision, a goal, or a dream…take a look at your current situation and relationships and identify if they are serving you in a way that will allow you to pursue that vision, goal or dream. If not, then let go and move on. In the meantime, do all that you can to heal and forgive you and others involved in a situation. It allows you more freedom as you go in the direction you’re meant to go. I’ve learned a lot of this the hard way. I’ve learned how painful I make letting go, and how if I just surrendered I’d enjoy this journey a lot more. 

People and experiences come into our lives to help us become whatever it is that we want to become. The good, the bad, and the ugly…we need it all. We need it because those things happen FOR us…so we can grow, become stronger, get clarity on what we really want, and most of all, fulfill our purpose. I know all about adversity. I know all about the pain and sorrow of life. But even more than that, I know about all of the happiness, beauty, and goodness that comes on the other side, and sometimes right in the middle, of the pain and sorrow. 

I guess you can say that I’m grateful for those moments when I ignored the logic, because I’ve learned so much by doing that. Although, I will admit that I have every intention of paying closer attention to what’s out of alignment in the future, so I can get to the good stuff quicker. Because I deserve the good stuff and this was definitely a reminder that I deserve that, even though it didn't turn out as I had hoped.

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